Monday, December 15, 2008

MaryAudrey's Special Day!

Imagine if your day was deemed special because you had 2 feet with 10 toes? Well, MaryAudrey realized a dream today. To me it was monumental. A day she could wear 2 shoes confidently. Possibly sandals, or toe nail polish?
I promise to count my blessings when I complain about stress and all the things I lack, Today my 3 year old daughter taught me a valuable lesson. Count your blessings for what you HAVE - even if it is NO TOES - her preference, and what she has become proud of for the first 3 years of her life. These new TOES are not nearly as important to her as they are to me. WOW, I am impressed. God sent MaryAudrey to me for a reason, and I LOVE this child.

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